Extra Credit Post I- Beer, and More!

Beer, and More!

The Women's Beer Forum at Eagle Rock Brewery

I have always known that Professor Hansen is an expert on beer and I am intrigued when his introduced us to the women forum at Eagle Rock Brewery, an event that empowers the female community with insider knowledge about beer - a beverage that traditionally consumed by men. At the night of 3/21, my classmate Sarah and I attended this wonderful event at the brewing room at Eagle Rock Brewery, celebrating the seven-year anniversary of the women's beer forum and opening the door to a whole new perspective about this magical brown liquid called beer.

(Sarah and I at the event.)

Upon arriving, we were surprised that the room was already full of aspiring women despite the raining weather outside. I was told by the owner that we were lucky to get tickets that nights because of the popularity of this event over the years. I discovered that we were considerably younger than most of the women in the group, who were usually at their 30's or 40's. A lot of are obviously experts already, discussing about the beer-tasting menu and their own take on different kinds of beers. 

I was excited to learn that we were going to tase four different kinds of import beer from all over the country that night. To someone who is completely new to the wine-tasting event, I began to read the menus like the others and imagine the taste of them secretly in my mind. One of the owners, Patricia, started to talk about her experience about the brewing industry and the reason behind holding this event - she wants to break the gender stereotype about women and beer, and encourage more women to learn about this wonderful beverage. Beer can be just as elegant as wine, and as approachable as a drink for women after work. 

(This is the beer-tasting menu on 3/21)

After a short period of time, I found myself eagerly waiting in the line for beer-tasting. I was amazed at the thoughtfulness of Patricia when I discovered that we were provided with a cheese platter and different kind of breads and crackers to pair with the beers. Among the four beers, the EightFive-O is definitely my favorite. Coming from Florida, it completely won me over with its elegant aroma and fresh flavor. The wonderful combination of the sweetness of fruit and the little bitterness of the malt danced on the tip of my tough, almost like a nice breeze in the middle of a hot summer night. I almost asked for the whole bottle when I suddenly realized that I had to drive back to home later. 

(The beers.)

The rest of the selection also have their highlights. I remembered the Metropolitan Large for its fancy blue bottling, like a small-size wine for the lady. The Harlot impressed me with her bouncy bubbly nature and the Hustle was definitely the most steady one among all of them. That night, I enjoyed beer, but more than that, I was embraced by a group of intelligent and empowering women, who are willing to make efforts to eliminate the between male and female gender through an elegant solution -wine tasting. I loved the ambiance of the women's beer forum, the message behind the seemingly recreational group gathering and the decilousness of the beers at Eagle Rock Brewery. I wish I know more about beer, and I am looking forward to more events like this to inspire my life.

(We had fun :)))
