
Showing posts from March, 2018

Extra Credit Post I- Beer, and More!

Beer, and More! The Women's Beer Forum at Eagle Rock Brewery I have always known that Professor Hansen is an expert on beer and I am intrigued when his introduced us to the women forum at Eagle Rock Brewery, an event that empowers the female community with insider knowledge about beer - a beverage that traditionally consumed by men. At the night of 3/21, my classmate Sarah and I attended this wonderful event at the brewing room at Eagle Rock Brewery, celebrating the seven-year anniversary of the women's beer forum and opening the door to a whole new perspective about this magical brown liquid called beer. (Sarah and I at the event.) Upon arriving, we were surprised that the room was already full of aspiring women despite the raining weather outside. I was told by the owner that we were lucky to get tickets that nights because of the popularity of this event over the years. I discovered that we were considerably younger than most of the women in the group, who w

Born On the Third Base Post

In the book Born On the Third Base, I learned the unique view about social structure and money from Chuck Collins, the great-grandson Oscar Mayer, the owner one of the well-known meat produce brands in the United States. As someone born with a silver spoon in his mouth, I was surprised to find out his passion towards eliminating inequalities in the world instead of focusing on the accumulation of wealth of his family business, like we would usually assume for the state of mind of rich people. After graduating from a private high school, instead of attending college, Collins chose to conduct his own social experience and lived in a working-class city in Boston. This is also the place where changed his view towards the world and money when Collins was able to break free from his privileged lifestyle and meet with people from different social class. Through working in various industries and positions, Collins began to understand the uneven distribution of wealth in our society and the dis